4 Awesome Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a lasting remedy if you are experiencing an intense toothache, fractures, or sensitive teeth. The process is painless and treats the infected pulp in the root cavity. Root canal therapy is a preferred procedure among patients. Here are four benefits that prove its preference.


It Prevents Infection From Spreading to Neighboring Teeth

A Pulp infection happens when several harmful bacteria are present in that area. When the pulp is infected, it causes the connected tooth to decay. If bacteria persist in the affected part, they can spread to surrounding root canals.

When you undergo root canal therapy, your Endodontist removes the infected pulp and treats the root to eliminate bacteria. This procedure helps prevent the growth and spread of the bacteria to surrounding teeth.


It Is a Painless Procedure

Root canal therapy is a comfortable procedure that requires low-pressure equipment and dental tools. The therapy involves little to minimal manipulation of the affected tooth during the cleaning and disinfection processes. Root canal therapy is the preferred procedure for addressing intense toothache and cavities.


The Procedure Does Not Weaken the Jawbone

When you experience intense toothache leading to extraction, the jawbone weakens due to bacteria exposure and the influence of time. With root canal treatment, the infected tooth remains intact without needing extraction, which helps prevent jawbone degeneration.


Restores Confidence in Your Smile

Root canal treatment involves:

  • The treatment of the infected pulp.

  • Filling the cavity.

  • Covering the tooth with a crown.

This procedure helps to restore the functionality and visual aesthetics of teeth. The use of the crowns is necessary to give you a confident smile.


Do You Require Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is a painless procedure that addresses tooth infections and cavities with low-pressure dental equipment. If you require the services of expert Endodontists, contact us at Steelcroft Dental to book an appointment today


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